Online CACFP Training

Produced by Brighton Training Group

24/7 Access

Complete your online training 24/7. Training is self-directed.

Earn Certificates

Earn a certificate of training for completing your required annual CACFP training.

Any Location

Complete your training from any location. All you need is Internet access.

Online Course Catalog


CACFP Annual Training for Day Care Homes (BTG-211)

CACFP Annual Training for Homes is a 3 hour comprehensive online course designed to provide annual required training on meal patterns, the reimbursement process, accurate meal counts, claims submission, and recordkeeping for day care homes participating in the CACFP.


CACFP Annual Training for Centers (BTG-210)

CACFP Annual Training for Child Care Centers is a 3 hour comprehensive online course designed to provide annual required training for sponsors participating in the CACFP.

BTG-516 Healthy Food Preparation techniques and CACFP Menu Planning Course Cover Image

Healthy Food Preparation Techniques And CACFP Menu Planning (BTG-516)

The first challenge is planning a CACFP Menu, but the challenge can continue in figuring out how to prepare food in healthy ways. Learning how to prepare food in a healthy way can maintain optimal nutrition and increase food consumption while building lifelong healthy eating habits for children.

BTG-510 Spice it Up Infusing Flavor in your CACFP Menu Course Cover Image

Spice It Up! Infusing Flavor In Your CACFP Menus (BTG-510)

Are your meals lackluster? Want to increase flavor, decrease plate waste, and increase meal consumption without making a huge impact to your budget? Step into the world of flavor, spices and seasonings! Take a trip through the herb garden and around the seasoning world while learning how to incorporate herbs and spices into your CACFP menus.

BTG-585 Successful Monitoring Course Cover Image

Successful Monitoring (BTG-585)

This course will give CACFP sponsor monitors an outline of their responsibilities for conducting successful reviews of centers or family day care homes. They will better understand the requirements for reviews and how to assess compliance with USDA regulations. Finally, they will be able to recognize problems that would result in review findings.

BTG-522 Menu Building Basics: Utilizing CN Labels and USDA Recipes to Build a Cycle Menu Course Cover Image

Menu Building Basics: Utilizing CN Labels and USDA Recipes to Build a Cycle Menu (BTG-522)

In this course, participants will learn to recognize the 6 key indicators for a CN Label is, what a product formulation statement is, and how to use them to build a cycle menu. In addition, participants will explore the vast resources of USDA Standardized recipes, and will learn how to scale these recipes and products to fit their production needs. Lastly, participants will understand the basics of record retention and what documentation would be needed to support food production records, if required by their state.

BTG-504 Build it Once, Serve it Time and Time Again: Using Cycle Menus and Standardized Recipes Course Cover Image

Build It Once; Serve It Time and Time Again: Using Cycle Menus and Standardized Recipes (BTG-504)

How important is menu planning to a meal program? The menu plan influences every aspect of the meal program – including purchasing and preparing foods, ensuring that your meals are CACFP creditable, providing adequate nutritional value, accounting for dietary restrictions, and satisfying the tastebuds of the children in your care. In this one hour session, participants will learn about standardized recipes, cycle menus and the benefits of using both of these great tools to maximize kitchen efficiency and food budgets.

BTG-562 Informal Procurement and Reimbursable Meals a Guide for Small Purchases Course Cover Image

Informal Procurement and Reimbursable Meals: A Guide for Small Purchases (BTG-562)

All Child Nutrition program operators must procure all goods and services using the federal procurement regulations. This course will define informal procurement thresholds, and the main steps involved in procuring food. It will offer practical strategies for purchasing, and provide resources to ensure that the meals served to program participants are reimbursable.

BTG-523 SFSP Meal Planning for Summer Success Course Cover Image

SFSP Meal Planning for Summer Success! (BTG-523)

A winning meal is the key to getting great attendance and keeping kids coming to your site all summer long. While SFSP has its special challenges, in this hour our course, participants will explore exciting menu options for cold meals and hot meals. Participants will learn the SFSP meal pattern and then discover how much creativity and flexibility it has to build the best meal pattern for their needs.

BTG-171 Supporting Recordkeeping Excellence in the SFSP Course Cover Image

Supporting SFSP Recordkeeping Excellence (BTG-171)

Sponsors must keep full and accurate records so that they can substantiate the number of program meals that they have submitted at each claim for reimbursement. And, that SFSP funds are used only for allowable SFSP costs. This course will discuss recordkeeping requirements for sponsors including meal counts, program costs, monitoring, and training. Participants will learn and appreciate the importance of complete, well organized, and accurate records in the SFSP.

BTG-561 Navigating the CACFP: A Journey through the Administrative Review Course Cover Image

Navigating the CACFP: A Journey through the Administrative Review (BTG-561)

This lesson is designed for Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) institution staff to provide a review of the process and procedures of the state agency administrative review.

BTG-512 Navigating Special Dietary Needs While Maintaining CACFP Meal Pattern Compliance Course Cover Image

Navigating Special Dietary Needs (BTG-512)

CACFP sponsors may need to modify planned meals in order to accommodate participants with disabilities, medical needs or special dietary needs. The course summarizes the responsibilities sponsors have when accommodating participants’ meal requests. The course also discusses medical statements, meal pattern requirements, and accommodating non-disabling special dietary needs.

BTG-172 Exploring the Purchasing of Meals for the SFSP Course Cover Image

Exploring the Purchasing of Meals for SFSP (BTG-172)

SFSP sponsors who administer the SFSP have a strong commitment to the wellbeing of the children in their community. They want to serve meals to not only increase quality but to attract children to summer food sites. However, the purchasing of food, goods, and supplies can sometimes be a challenging process. This course will explore the options for buying meals in the SFSP, procurement methods, and the purchasing of local foods to maximize SFSP operations.

BTG-563 Vendor Management Practices Course Cover Image

Vendor Management Practices (BTG-563)

The course will help you understand basic procurement standards and the importance of vendor selection when outsourcing the food program. It will cover identifying and evaluating vendors based on quality, pricing and reliability. Managing the vendor contract to ensure the quality and safety of the food program will also be reviewed.

BTG-513 Offer vs. Serve: How to Offer Food Choices in the CACFP Course Cover Image

Offer vs Serve: How to Offer Food Choices in the CACFP (BTG-513)

OVS or Offer vs Serve can be a challenge to introduce into your CACFP program and even harder to maintain CACFP compliance throughout menu planning and service. In this hour-long session, participants will learn the rules to OVS success, how to plan menus and prepare meals to maintain compliance, and tips for best practice when incorporating it into their centers.

BTG-173 Budgeting for SFSP Success Course Cover Image

Budgeting for SFSP Success (BTG-173)

The budget is the key to understanding the financial side of the SFSP. The SFSP budget helps sponsors establish goals, make decisions, and understand how program funds are generated and spent. Participants will explore the biggest expenses and sources of revenue in the SFSP and evaluate those against their budget to measure the effectiveness of their program operations. Stay on track and build a successful summer meals program!

BTG-564 Purchase Smarter, Not Harder Course Cover Image

Purchase Smarter, Not Harder (BTG-564)

This lesson provides information about different purchasing options available to CACFP institutions that will not only help minimize the workload and cost of planning and implementing an effective food program but also make sure that the food program is still able to offer high-quality, nutritious foods.

BTG-509 Embracing Culture and Expanding your CACFP Menu Course Cover Image

Embracing Culture and Expanding Your CACFP Menu (BTG-509)

Is your menu feeling a little lackluster? Do you want to infuse new and exciting items into your menu while teaching children about world citizenship and other cultures? In this one hour session, participants will learn how to expand their menus through exploring new cultures and ethnic foods, resources for standardized recipes, and maintain CACFP meal pattern compliance.

BTG-174 Promoting and Marketing the SFSP Course Cover Image

Promoting and Marketing the Summer Meals Program (BTG-174)

Offering meals for the SFSP is a great way to ensure that children have access to meals in the summer months. But how do sponsors make sure that people are aware of SFSP sites? How do sponsors attract children and parents to summer meal sites? There are many forms of promotion and marketing that can help sponsors gain exposure. This course will discuss different ways to reach children and families by exploring forms of marketing and creative programming to build awareness and increase participation in the SFSP.

BTG-565 Best Practices for Hiring and Promoting Staff Course Cover Image

Best Practices for Hiring and Promoting Staff (BTG-565)

This course is designed to provide comprehensive guidance and knowledge on effective strategies and practices for attracting, selecting, and promoting the most qualified individuals within an organization. The course will explore recruitment and promotion processes and ensure the organization can build and retain a talented and diverse workforce.

BTG-514 Family Style Meal Service: Building Better, Healthier, Menus and Eating Habits Course Cover Image

Family Style Meal Service – Building Better, Healthier, Menus and Eating Habits (BTG-514)

Family style meal service has the opportunity to teach children so much more than just how to eat. Learn the benefits of family style meal service, best practices to incorporate it into your meal service option, and what you must do to maintain CACFP Compliance. In addition, participants will learn best practices for conversations starters around the meal table, how to encourage staff to role model positive eating behaviors, and what equipment is need for family style meal service success.

BTG-175 Improving Food Safety at SFSP Sites Course Cover Image

Improving Food Safety at SFSP Sites (BTG-175)

Sponsors participating in the SFSP agree to maintain the storage, preparation, and service of food with proper sanitation and health standards in ordinance with all state and health laws and regulations. Understanding the proper food safety practices is essential to a successful summer meals site to ensure that the food children consume is safe and to reduce the risk of a foodborne outbreak. This course will promote important food safety practices including good personal hygiene, food temperature and storage, and proper cleaning and sanitizing of foods. Help keep kids safe and food fresh during the summer months!

BTG-566 Practices for Improving Workplace Culture in Child Nutrition Programs Cover Image

Best Practices for Improving Workplace Culture in Child Nutrition Programs (BTG-566)

This course equips child nutrition program administrators and staff with the knowledge and skills needed to improve workplace culture. A positive workplace culture is crucial for the well-being of employees and the success of the organization. This course covers the definition and importance of workplace culture, plus strategies for improving workplace culture.

BTG-511 Seasonality and the CACFP Menu Course Cover Image

Seasonality and the CACFP Menu (BTG-511)

How can you make an impact to your budget and your menu in one change? Plan your menus according to the seasons. In this one hour session, participants will learn about growing seasons for different regions of the US, how to plan menus with built in flexibility for seasonality, and maintain CACFP meal pattern compliance.

BTG-176 Boosting Menu Appeal in the SFSP Course Cover Image

Boosting Menu Appeal in the SFSP (BTG-176)

Helping children get the nutrition they need for health and growth is what summer meals are all about. Creating appealing menus can help kids fuel up, have fun, and get the nutrition they need for growth and good health. This course will explore many ways sponsors can plan menus that kids will enjoy such as using local fruits and vegetables, adding variety and color, and making healthy meals fun!

BTG-567 Effective Staff Training for Child Nutrition Program Success Cover Image

Effective Staff Training for Child Nutrition Program Success (BTG-567)

This course is designed to provide effective training tips for child nutrition program staff trainers. The course will review the trainer’s role and the necessary competencies, learning styles, and effective training strategies for in-person and virtual training to enhance their training effectiveness and create a conducive learning environment.

BTG-507 How to Order, but Not Too Much: A Hands on Method in Calculating Needs for CACFP Course Cover Image

How To Order, But Not Too Much: A Hands On Method In Calculating Quantity Needs For CACFP (BTG-507)

Having excess inventory on hand can be costly, but not having enough inventory on hand can result in not serving enough food, and ultimately non-compliance and findings. In this one-hour session, learn how to calculate adequate inventory needs, while also learning how often inventory needs to be completed and best practices for stock rotation.

BTG-250 Course Cover

Civil Rights for Sponsoring Organizations (BTG-250)

Program institutions and facilities receiving federal financial assistance are required to comply with federal civil rights laws to ensure all Child Nutrition participants have equal access to all benefits and services. This course will review Civil Rights regulations, and provide all information necessary to ensure that your program is in compliance with these requirements.

BTG-568 Addressing Child Health Equity Cover Image

Addressing Child Health Equity (BTG-568)

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of social determinants of health and their impact on health equity for children. It explores the various factors that influence health outcomes, including economic stability, education access and quality, healthcare access and quality, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context. The course emphasizes the role of child nutrition programs, the importance of addressing health disparities, and promoting equitable opportunities for children.

BTG-518 Power Boost Your Breakfast Menu with Meat/Meat Alternates Course Cover Image

Power Boost your Breakfast Menu with Meat/Meat Alternates (BTG-518)

What an exciting opportunity to impact children’s nutrition and health by being able to incorporate meat and meat alternates into your breakfast menu. Throughout this interactive one-hour course, participants will explore meat/meat alterations, their health benefits, and learn best practices to incorporate them into their CACFP breakfast menus.

BTG-557 CACFP Basics: Orientation for New Staff Course Cover Image

CACFP Basics: Orientation for New Staff (BTG-557)

Do you wonder how CACFP benefits the participants in your organization? Are you unfamiliar with the goal of CACFP? Are you wondering what CACFP even means? Then this is the course for you! Over the next hour, we will dig into the basics of the Child and Adult Care Food Program and how it supports children and adults each and every day.

BTG-571 Milk Substitutes: Serving Creditable Milk Alternatives in Child Nutrition Programs Cover Image

Milk Substitutions: Serving Creditable Milk Alternatives in Child Nutrition Programs (BTG-571)

This is a 1-hour training course designed to provide child nutrition program operators with the information they need to accommodate participants’ dietary needs as it pertains to fluid milk consumption. This training covers important topics including creditable milk types per age group and meal service, methods for accommodating special dietary requests and disabilities, and allowable fluid milk substitutions.

BTG-521 Trailblazing the Fruit and Vegetable Frontier Course Cover Image

Trailblazing the Fruit and Vegetable Frontier (BTG-521)

With Fruit and Vegetables now separate components, there are endless possibilities in incorporating great nutrition into your CACFP menus. Discover the great nutrition fruits and vegetables provide, which are the best sources of Vitamin C and A, and how often you should plan to serve them in your menus. Learn new and exciting best practices for introducing new fruits and vegetables on your menus across all meal services, as well as innovative preparation techniques.

BTG-584 Cheering on Healthy Eaters Course Cover Image

Cheering On Healthy Eaters (BTG-584)

Participants will learn behavioral strategies to motivate children to make healthy choices. Participants will understand how to be good role models for healthy eating and engage children in fun activities that inspire curiosity about food.

BTG-569 Basic Scratch Cooking Skills for Child Nutrition Programs Cover Image

Basic Scratch Cooking Skills for Child Nutrition Programs (BTG-569)

Basic Scratch Cooking Skills for Child Nutrition Programs is a 1-hour training course designed to provide anyone with cooking responsibilities in Child Nutrition Programs with the basic skills they need to begin preparing food. This training covers important topics including the benefits of cooking from scratch, basic knife types and knife cuts, different kinds of cooking methods, and a brief overview of developing standardized recipes and using cycle menus.

BTG-520 Exploring and Eliminating Choking Hazards in CACFP Menu Planning Course Cover Image

Exploring and Eliminating Choking Hazards in CACFP Menu Planning (BTG-520)

Did you know that choking is the 4th leading cause of death for children under age 5? Have you ever thought about what might be a choking hazard in your CACFP Menu? In this engaging one hour study, participants will learn common food choking hazards, explore cooking methods to prevent choking hazards, and learn best practice service methods to prevent choking in their child care setting.

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